Andrew Barrow Photography


More Scales!

Yesterday I described my EBay spree on acquiring several different vintage scales. I had five on the shelves and, in fact, had already used each in a photo. This number would give me plenty of options for the series of images I had planned. I even checked EBay to ensure I had no further bids that would result in more such scales arriving.

Then two more were delivered.

I had no idea I had been so extravagant (aka reckless). Am I really the only person with an interest in these things that no one else bid on them?

The first to be delivered was a nice little creamy yellow number. Not certain the dish is original but it matters not. (The Comet Scales I used for the doughnut shot is obviously missing its plastic tray. But this doesn’t matter as it would obscure the contents inside I think).

Latest New Scales - perfect size, lovely cream colour.

It is the second new set of scales I am having problems with. I seem to have underestimated its size. The tray is more like a coal-scuttle! I imagine it was used for scooping large quantities of flour or seeds or something. But it is huge. I have no idea how I am going to be able to utilise it in a photo!

I could drill a hole in the back of the tray and use it as a plant holder. But this rather defeats the point of buying it…

The photos below are all unprocessed. I’ve included one of my little studio for those who enjoy seeing ‘behind the scenes’. One moan, however - the sender of the red scales used a huge amount of packing tape and stuck it directly to the scales. On peeling, even gently, the tape removed the gorgeous red paint.