Andrew Barrow Photography


Washingline Project

The Washingline Project Gallery has just been updated with three more images. I’m rather amazed at the positive reactions to these; “innovative and unusual” was one comment. Such comments spur one on to continue. The actual aim is to put these forward as a distinctions panel for the RPS; although this means I am only halfway through producing the required number of images with a few spares.

I rather enjoy the whimsey in producing these - the butterfly on the pastry, the lighter than light macarons requiring the line to be propped up by a stick, and the pappardelle pasta blowing in the wind. Both the stick and a butterfly will be used in future images I think.

But it’s not just an alternative way to display and photograph food. The Fish Fingers and Chip is a take on the isolation we are currently enduring for example. (Although, if I am honest, this is the only one with an intentional ‘message’, whatever people read into the others).

The three latest additions are Prawn Toasts, Pork and Lemon Pelpettine with Pappardelle Pasta and Macarons.